News and Stories


Aug 26, 2008

La Clínica del Pueblo: A Community Immigrant Health Center, of the People, for the People. 2007 Case Study in English and Spanish

Between June and December of 2007, Marcia Bernbaum, PhD, at the request of then-Executive Director Juan Romagoza, carried out an in-depth case study of La Clínica del Pueblo. His request was that Marcia reach back to La Clínica’s beginning in 1983 and trace over the years until 2007 what La Clínica’s “essence” was, and whether or not and how La Clínica was able to maintain its “essence” in the face of opportunities and challenges that came its way.

Dr Bernbaum interviewed 160 individuals for the case study (104 current and former members of La Clínica’s staff, current and former members of La Clínica’s board of directors, and members of La Clínica’s patient committee; 24 La Clínica patients; and 32 individuals from outside the organization who were familiar with its operations over the years). She also observed La Clínica events and reviewed documentation.

Four documents were prepared and can be accessed as follows:

Summary of La Clínica del Pueblo case study in English

Summary of La Clínica del Pueblo case study in Spanish

Full Study (or Reference document) in English

Full Study (or Reference document) in Spanish