Thank you for your interest in supporting the health and well being of underserved Latine communities in the DC metro area. Generous donors like you make it possible for us to provide comprehensive care that helps build a healthier, happier, more resilient community. Together, we can make healthcare a human right. Below, are several ways to help you shape your participation and find the way of giving that works best for you.

No matter how large or small, every donation has the power to increase access to healthcare for those most in need. You can make an immediate donation by following the “Make A Gift” link above, or send a check to our secure lockbox: PO Box 791570 Baltimore, MD 21279-1570

Visit La Clinica’s online store, with every purchase you support our mission to build a healthy Latino community. Wear what you care about on your sleave – every design is made in house!

Become a Monthly Donor
When you join this circle of monthly donors, you widen the circle of care for all. As an Amig@ del Pueblo, you are putting your values into action by making a sustainable commitment to health equity and allowing us to better project and plan for the needs ahead.

More Ways to Give
There are many ways you can help make health a human right for all. You can double your giving through your company’s gift matching program, make a gift of stock or through your DAF, or include La Clinica in your will or as a beneficiary to ensure a healthier future for generations to come.

Sponsor an Event
La Clínica has several annual and special events throughout the year. From our cultural celebrations to community-driven events. Sponsor an event to showcase your commitment to healthcare access for the Latino community.

Start a Friend-Raising Campaign
La Clínica was started as a grassroots organization by a group of volunteers who wanted to make a difference. You can take action today to make an impact on the health of our community. The best way to help La Clínica is to get your friends and networks involved.