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Press Release

Sep 17, 2020

Statement about the Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to end the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) program

La Clinica del Pueblo stands in solidarity with our immigrant families benefiting from the Temporary Protection Status (TPS)

We at La Clinica del Pueblo believe that health care is a human right. We aim to build a healthy Latino community through culturally appropriate health services, focusing on those most in need. It is in this light that we deeply deplore the Monday September 14, ruling of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In its decision, the appeals court ruled that the current administration has the authority to end the TPS program for beneficiaries from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Sudan.

The ruling is a reprehensible blow to families benefiting from the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) program, many of whom receive care at our institution and form part of the larger La Clinica community of clients, promotores, and staff. As an immigrant serving organization born out of the migrations from El Salvador in the 1980’s, we have always been committed to principles of health equity and immigrant justice, and we are well aware of the historical forces that have propelled our immigrant families to the US. Many TPS holders have been in our region for decades, making up a part of the essential workforce and contributing significantly to our economy and our community. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of these essential workers to our society; this ruling effectively sends the opposite message regarding the value of those whose work we so rely on.

Sadly, we know TPS holders from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti and Sudan share a common experience of war, displacement, trauma and racism. La Clinica Del Pueblo stands in solidarity with all our brothers and sisters—the more than 400,000 people protected under TPS—who are affected by the devastating impacts of this ruling. 1 We call on our local leaders to examine and enact policies and programs that acknowledge and support the value and contributions of TPS families in our region. To our community affected by this ruling, we stand in solidarity with you and urge the following:

1. Know your rights

2. Keep attending your health and mental health appointments

3. Seek out assistance from immigration legal services (list of services approved by LCDP can be found below)2

4. Support mutual aid initiatives among TPS holders

5. Do not make rushed decisions

6. Obtain your information from trusted community sources

1 2 CARECEN: 1460 Columbia Rd. NW, Washington, DC (202) 328-9799 | AYUDA, Inc.: 6925 B Willow St. NW, Washington, DC (202) 547-5692