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Press Release

Mar 25, 2022

FY23 DC Alliance Funding Statement

At La Clinica del Pueblo, we have always believed and promoted the idea that guaranteeing access to high quality medical measures a society’s priorities and wellbeing. For many years, La Clinica and its coalition partners have championed the D.C. Healthcare Alliance, one of the first health insurance programs in the nation to extend access to residents regardless of immigration status, due to its significance in promoting and guaranteeing health equity for our city’s most vulnerable residents. The recently passed 2023 Budget Support Act has significantly improved the D.C. Alliance program by eliminating the six-month, in-person recertification requirement.

The biannual recertification process placed unnecessary burdens and interruptions in care on some of the most excluded members of our city. Barriers included missing a day of wages to remain enrolled, foregoing appointments with specialists, and having interrupted coverage for lifesaving medications.

We are grateful for Mayor Bowser’s decision to move the Alliance recertification to an annual basis.

As an organization that believes that health is a human right, we are sure this policy will positively impact the lives of immigrant communities allowing them to have continuous care.

We applaud this effort and urge the DC Council to approve the proposed budget measure as we continue to tackle the health inequities in our city.