News and Stories


Feb 2, 2023

Reproductive Justice in Action

This year, as we celebrate our 40th anniversary, we are taking a pause to share the ways we work toward meeting our mission and vision that don’t always get the spotlight they deserve! In this vein, and in celebration of Women's History Month, we are proud to share our deep commitment to Reproductive Justice.

La Clínica has always been rooted in the idea that in order to have health, we need to have a healthy community. One way we do that is through our services and programs that help women empower themselves. 

Click here to learn more and watch our recent video Reproductive Justice in Action.

Additionally, the Gender & Health Program continues to disseminate the Somos Mujeres (We are Women) campaign, comprised of five educational videos addressing the sexual and reproductive rights of women, and printed material. Watch the videos below and share them widely!