Donors 2020

We would like to recognize the following individuals, corporations, foundations, associations. and sponsors. We are profoundly grateful for your support.


Private Foundations, Corporate and Public Partners

A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation

AIDS United

Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust

American Association of Medical Colleges

AmeriHealth Caritas District of Columbia

Boeing Employees Community Fund

Bobbie Bailey Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Charles and Mary Latham Fund

Cigna Foundation

Consumer Health Foundation

Direct Relief

District of Columbia Department of Behavioral Health

District of Columbia Department of Health

District of Columbia Health Benefit Exchange Authority

District of Columbia Mayor's Office of Latino Affairs (MOLA)

District of Columbia Mayor's Office of Community Affairs (MOCA)

District of Columbia Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG)

George Washington University

Greater Washington Community Foundation

Hispanic Federation Nonprofit Emergency Assistance Fund

Howard University Hospital

Inter-American Development Bank

Mars Foundation

Maryland Community Health Resources Commission​ (CHRC)

Maryland Office o​f Minority Health and Health Disparities​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Minority Outreach & Technical Assistance (MOTA)

Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development

Maximus Foundation

Merck Foundation

Miller and Chevalier Charitable Foundation

Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation

National Alliance for Hispanic Health

National Immigration Law Center - Protecting Immigrant Families

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

the hope & grace fund, a project of New Venture Fund, in partnership with the philosophy, Inc

Nora Roberts Foundation

Prince George’s County Council

Prince George’s County Department of Social Services (PGCDSS): Community Schools Network

Prince George's County Health Department

Qlarant Foundation

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Tableau Foundation

The Morningstar Foundation

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

The Sergey Brin Family Foundation (SBFF)

The United States Department of Health and Human Services: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The United States Department of Health and Human Services: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

The United States Department of Health and Human Services: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The United States Department of Justice: Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)


Theodore H. Barth Foundation

Safeway Foundation


Unity Health Care, Inc.

Venable Foundation

Washington AIDS Partnership

Organizations and Corporations

All Saints Church

All Souls Unitarian Church

Amazon Smile

America's Charities


Barger Giving Fund

Baumbusch Foundation

Bright Fund

BSA The Software Alliance

Combined Federal Charities (CFC)


Families USA Foundation

Graham Holdings

Hispanic Lobbysts Association, INC

Impact Assets

Jews United for Justice

Mesh Charities

Network For Good

River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Starbucks Foundation

Stonewall Kickball


The Peoples Futures Foundation Inc

United Way of the National Capitol Area

University of Wisconsin

Washington Nationals Philanthropies

World Bank Community Connections

Wynne Health Group LLC

YourCause, LLC

Event Sponsors

Associated Insurance Management LLC

Community IT Innovators

Compass Gordon Harrison Group

Divok Construction

Flock DC

Gloria's Maid Service

Guernsey Inc

KCS Construction

Keyed In LLC

Khoobchandani Law

McLean Mortgage

Moya Design Partners LLC

National Consumer Cooperative Bank

NFP (Formerly The Meltzer Group)

Palm Facilities Services

Ring Central

South River RESCON

Tenleytown Trash

Title Town Settlements

Washington Fine Properties, Nelson Marban

Wealth Insight Partners (Formerly Veritas)

Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP

Individuals and Family Foundations ($500+)

Aaron Cooper

Adam Perry

Alicia Moyer

Allan and Wendy Williams

Andrea Holtermann

Ann Carper and Beth McKinnon

Arun Ivatury

Asila Calhoun

Avery and Carolyn Andrews

Barbara Griffith

Barney Shapiro

Beatrice Van Roijen

Ben Gitterman

Bridgette and Matt Kaiser

Brooke Rosenblum

Edgar Jimenez and Camila Lorca Jimenez

Carlos O'Bryan and Maria J Arizmendi

Casey Goldvale

Catherine Mooney

Cathy Hurwit

Charlotte Jones-Carroll and Tom Carroll

Christian Gonzalez

Christina Givey

Christopher Hartmann

Daniel Hernandez

Daniel McMahon and Sarah Twigg

Darian and Catlin Tucker

Deborah Bombard

Debra and Bob Ekman

Dennis Alloy

Diana and Christopher Reed

Diane Bloom

Dorothy Pohlman

Elizabeth Perera

Ella Curry

Erin Radford

Evelyn and Bob Wrin

Ezra Vazquez-Damico

Ginette Michaud

Glen Parker, Jr.

Gregory McFarland

Helen Burstin and Mark Blumenthal

Henry Horsey and Svetlana Gromova

J. Lee Gravatte, III and Carol Cavanaugh

Jackson Fitzsimmons

James Davis and Evelyn Jacob

Jane Thompson and John Kaelin

Janet Lowenthal

Janice Cooper

Jessie Harris

Jim Derstine

Joel Korn

Joey Rice

John Hoadley

Jose Gonzalez and Constance Wilkinson

Joshua Smith Tondelli

Judith Falloon and Lee Helman

Karen Pollitz and David Airozo

Karin and Greg Werner

Kathleen Mejia

Keith Swartzendruber and Tabitha Gingerich

Kim Green

Lee and Kenneth Bakalar

Lief Doerring

Lucas and Judith Blanco

Lucas Godshalk

Lucia Solbes Castro

Lucila Howerton

Lucinda and Ray Wilson

Luis Morales

Luke and Beth Chung

Live to Give Equity and Justice Fund

Lynne and Joseph Horning

Marcia Bernbaum, Ph.D.

Maria Zimmitti

Mark de la Iglesia

Mary Gilman

Mary Horan and Richard Walker

Mateo Cummings

Matthew and Gail Jenkins

Melissa Farris

Miranda and Joshua Keating

Miranda Martin

Molly Murphy and Sean Dryden

Morton and Grace Bender

Natasha Bonhomme

Neil Starkey

Nhan Nguyen

Nora Ivory

Patricia and Ricardo Fernandez

Pedro and Joanna Vides

Peter Gergen

Peter Hammond

Peter Shields

Ralph Brabham and Drew Porterfield

Rebecca Craig

Mauricio Silva and Renata Claros

Richard and Rebecca Werner

Robert Bonner

Ryan Good

Sari Ruth Hornstein

Share Fund

Smith Williams

Split Rock Charitable Foundation

Elizabeth Salett

Stefan and Silvia Alber-Glanstaetten

Stephen and Magda Eccles

Stephen Charles

Stephen Rutgers

Susan Volman

Timothy Lee

Vasan Vembu Manikanda Srini

William Klein

William Perry

Individuals ($100-$499)

Aaron Knight and Kimberly Adler

Abel Nunez Aguilar and Diana Guelespe

Adam Stern

Adriana Velasquez

Alejandra Alejandra De Freitas

Alexandra Dodds

Alexandra Reichert

Alice Guilford

Alice Litwinowicz

Alicia Alexion

Alicia Wilson and Susan Guardado

Alison Scimeca

Alix McAtee

Amy Denniston

Ana Gutierrez

Ana Maria del Rio Gonzalez

Andrea Thoumi

Andrew Barr

Andrew Burness

Andrew Smallwood

Anke Meyer

Ann Winston

Anna Maria Gillis

Anna Shoup

Ariel and Rachel Levinson-Waldman

Arielle Koreyasu

Aurelio Menendez

Barbara Elkus

Barbara Geiser

Ben Berkow

Ben Pitler

Benjamin Davis

Brandon Wu

Brian Denten

Brian Hopman

Bruce Drake

Caitlin Hesser

Camille Espinoza

Carlos Perez Brito

Carol Fuller

Carol Wolchok

Caroline Goodbody

Caroline Ramsay Merriam

Catalina Sol

Catherine Ross

Cathy Chirikjian

Cecilia Ramirez

Charles Capozzi

Charles Feinson

Charles Vela

Chelsey Kelly

Cheryl Beller

Christine Cohen

Christine Hager

Christine Hill

Christine Kelleher

Christine Rea

Christopher Hannas

Claire Mooney and Krzysztof Laski

Claudia Milligan

Claudia Rodriguez

Col. Juan and Ada Cuadrado

Col. Samuel Smith

Corinne Schultz

Cornelie Atwell

Cynthia Mead

Dana Martin

Daniel Blaine

Daniela Perez

Dario Ibatta

David Block

David Westlein

Devon Blaze Cain

Dianne Russell

Digambar and Gulab Bhouraskar

Don Blanchon

Don Plank

Donna Ramos-Johnson

Donna Sandin

Doug Smith and Kathleen Desmond

Dr. Michel Boudreaux

Eduardo Diaz

Edward and Mary Levy

Eleanor Gease

Elizabeth Cohn and Judith Applebaum

Elizabeth Taylor

Ellen Hammond

Ellen Weissfeld

Emily England

Emily Everhart

Emily Hildreth

Emily Kirk

Emily Norton

Emma Langsner

Eric Podberesky

Erica Perez

Erick Rivas

Erin Scheick and Brandon Yoder

Eser Yildirim

Fabiana Cuellar and Santiago Diaz

Fernando Blanco Cossio

Fiona Grant

Franchesca Uribe-Rheinbolt

Francis Collins and Diane Baker

Frank Sheed

Fred Solowey and Kathryn Ries

Gabriel Rodriguez Rico

Gavin Kennedy

Gillian Darr

Gloria Idalia Mejia

Graciela Kahn

Gustavo Ruiz

H. Heather Shaner, Esq.

Hallie Cohen

Hamilton Paine

Haninah Levine

Harvey and Alice Galper

Heather Kaye

Heather Zirkle

Henry and Maurine Beasley

Heydi Benavides

Hila Berl

Howard Cohen

Ines Garcia

Inga Smulkstys and Christopher Klose

Ingrid Grace Langham

Irwin and Verda Deutscher

Jacqueline Nowell

Jaime Cordova

Jaime Yepez

Jane Baluss

Jane Betz

Janice Sandlin

Jason Broehm

Javier Rivas

Jay Kimmel

Jeannette Noltenius

Jennifer Bruneau

Jennifer Hermesmeyer

Jenny Bilfield

Jerry and Carolyn Parr

Jerry and Robin Cohn

Jessica Seidman

Jill Feasley

Jim and Marilyn Ungerleider

Jimena Garrote

Joe Eldridge and Maria Otero

Joel Alejandre

Johannes Wehebrink

John and Dolores Hastings

John Hansman and Jean Hirons

John Meyn

John Wise

Johnny Hernandez

Jon Kerner

Jonathan and Karen Zuckerman

Jorge Aguilar

Jorge Eduardo Velasco and Maria Desiree Velasco Kieffer

Joseph Flynn

Joseph Schmitz

Julia Rivera

Julie Curran

Julie Gantz

Julie Meyer

Julie Miller

Julie Newport

Karen Leister

Karen Sade

Karen Staha

Kari Rowe

Karyn Pomerantz

Kateri Conahey

Katherine Baldwin

Katherine Malek

Katherine Reid

Katherine Tremont

Katherine Webb

Kathleen Madigan

Katie Cross

Keith and Carol Kurtz

Kelsey Cohen

Kenneth and Linda Button

Kenneth Basta

Kerry Kemp

Kerry Kidwell-Slak

Kimberly Lynch

Kimere Kimball

Kirk Freeman and Elizabeth Quilligan

Kreszentia Duer

Kristen and Bruce Jeide

Kristine Aulenbach

Kyrstin Racine

Lane Tapley

Laura Breeden

Laura Lewis

Laura Trejo

Laura van de Geijn

Lauren Rosenbaum

Lillian Catts

Linda Rosenfeld and Fred Krosner

Linnea Hegarty

Lisa Wise and Cameron Cohen

Lizzi Albert

Lora Lora Ann Sullivan

Lorraine and James Rogers

Lucia Fort

Lucila Orengo

Lucretia Marmon

Luis Landau

M. Sheila Callahan

Madison Roll

Margaret Siegel

Margarita Studemeister and Carlos Vela

Marguerite Barratt

Maria Retana

Maria Viteri

Mark Friedrichs

Mark Hathaway

Mark Samburg

Mark Shayman

Martha Leren

Martha Toll

Martin and Anne Rosensky

Martine Guerguil and Robert Devlin

Mary & Hubert Morsink

Mary Battle

Mary Fernandez

Maureen Book

Maya Riser-Kositsky

Melinda Altschul

Melissa Koenigsberg

Melissa Kong

Melissa Mayer

Meredith Josephs and Matthew Mariani

Michael Shifter

Michael Siegel

Michele Puryear

Michelle Ruta

Miguel Porrua

Molly Ellison

Monica Schmude

Myles Duffy

Nancy Baillie

Naomi Greenwood and Jay Bedell

Naseema Shafi

Natalie Tawil

Nathaniel and Barbara Baldwin

Nicole Hayes

Nilton Franco Gomez

Nina Goldman

Norma Pena

Olivia D'Aoust

Oscar Gonzalez

Pamela and P. Christopher Schwartz

Patrice Fletcher

Patricia and Robert Cowles

Patricia Barnett and Elisabeth Riggs

Patricia Griffin

Patricia Minami

Patricia Wagner

Patricio Vela

Paul Duran

Paul Joffe and Elizabeth Jenkins-Joffe

Pawla Ghaleb

Peggy Sand

Perry Bateman

Peter Abrahams

Peter Greenberg

Peter Montgomery

Philip Breen and Rabbi Mindy Portnoy

Philip McNamara

Philippe and Katherine Villers

Phyllis Liebman

Quinta Jurecic

Rachel Haws

Rachel Ugarte

Rahsaan Bernard

Ralph and Claire Dutrow

Randy Smith and Elizabeth Hilder

Raymond White

Rebecca Goodstein

Rebecca Miskell

Ricardo Juarez

Richard Koretz and Judith Bauer

Rick Johnson

Riley Champine

Robert Jasak

Robert Soliz

Roberto Echandi

Ronald Gomez Suarez

Ryland and Mary Louise Mitchell

Sander and Irene Mendelson

Sandra Bonilla

Sapphira Goradia

Sara Carlson

Sarah and David McMeans

Sarah Coviello

Sarah Puro

Sarah Steel

Sarah Yearwood

Sean Conley

Shane Gerson

Shannon Roberts

Sharon Katz

Silka Schreiber

Stefania Bazzoni

Stephanie Dempsey

Stephanie Witko

Stephen Kitchen

Steven and Martha Hillyard

Susanne Dudum

Suyanna and Gary Barker

Taryn Morrissey

Tatyana Elefante

Thomas Thompson and Judy Alba

Timothy Daniel

Tonia Wellons

Travis Maiers

Venus Wilson

Verite Pitts

Veronica Vivas

Vicki Fowler

Victor Sancho

Virginia Schofield and Peter Hakim

Vivianne Peckham

Wallace Meissner

William and Susan Mischell

William Panici

William Schwartz and Christine Doyle

William Trunk

Yasmeen Zahar

Amig@s del Pueblo

Abel Nunez Aguilar

Aimee Olivo

Amy Marietta and Lance Goller

Ana Catalina Garcia de Alba

Andrea Littell

Andrea Ploeg

Andrea Thoumi

Angela Suarez

Anna and Nathan Jeide-Detweiler

Belen Hurle

Benjamin Buchholz

Brandy Bauer

Carina Lakovits

Carlos and Rita Cuellar

Carol Lee

Carrie Wolfson

Connor Bellis

Daniel Mata

David LaRoche

David Ryner

Denise Mayotte

Duncan McHale

Eleanor M Gease

Elizabeth Wheaton

Emily and Jack McKay

Emily Kugler

Fabiana Cuellar

Faraz Usmani

Gerry Lee

Hallie Coatney

Hila Berl

Ilana Nagib

Indra Gomez

Isabel Friedenzohn

Jamie Reich

Javier Rivas

Jenna Smith

Jennifer Stapleton

Joan Evans

Jose Lacorte

Jose Leandro

Joshua and Lauren E Kolko

Juan Luis Molero

Kaela Thurber

Kara-Anne Suvada

Kathleen Yoder

Kathryn Lee

Katie Cross

Kyrstin Racine

Lainna Cohen

Lani Crane

Laura Lewis

Linda Kolko

Lindsay Coates

Lisa Wise

Lizzi Albert

Lucia Fort

M. A. Sheehan

Maria Cecilia Ramirez

Maria Cecilia Zea

Mary and George Medicus

Matthew Hanson

Melissa Mayer

Miriam Chappelka

Nicole Hayes

Noel McCaman and Mary Ann Pryor

Oscar Flores

Pamela Strother

Rachel Meyn Ugarte

Santiago Diaz

Sofia Castillo Morales

Sofia del Valle

Stephen Kitchen

Tasara Redekopp

Veronica Vela

Victor Basile and Fabrizio Claudio

Warren Hanson