We at La Clínica entered 2021 buoyed with the hope COVID vaccines held for our future, and we ended the year facing the sobering reality of ongoing variants with the Omicron surge. In between, we made significant progress in restoring health services, integrating new technologies, and advancing health equity for Latino immigrants. We confronted many familiar challenges and faced several new ones as we built slowly, as a region, towards recovery. We are so grateful for your solidarity, trust, and support for our mission and our work in this second historic pandemic year.

As we look back, 2021 was definitely our Year of the Vaccine. We fully embraced this vital public health strategy and are proud of the role we played in promoting and increasing access to vaccines while advocating for vaccine equity, in particular for Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals. Our incredible staff integrated vaccine education throughout our services, developed beautiful materials, and shared their own vaccine journeys to motivate their clients and peers. We had an opportunity to deepen our collaboration with community partners, sister health centers, and dedicated public health departments as we worked together to diminish barriers for low-income communities of color most adversely impacted by COVID-19.

As a federally qualified health center, we continued to be a partner in the overall federal strategy for our nation’s pandemic response. Our staff were also at the forefront of responding to a myriad of health issues exacerbated by COVID, including delays in chronic care and preventive services, mental health needs and addiction, food insecurity, language access, HIV and STIs, gender-based violence, racism and discrimination, and social instability. As we resumed many of our on-site services, we also maintained some of our best new strategies for serving our patients and clients through telehealth. We continue to dialogue with our extended La Clínica community through Spanish-language social media and virtual spaces and participated actively in local public health and policy initiatives.

We made many positive gains in 2021, including key infrastructure, facility, and organizational enhancements that will support our work in the future. At the same time, there is no question our health sector is frayed and struggling to respond to the multiple and complex health needs of our communities in distress. As part of the safety net, we also are challenged by the staffing shortages we are facing in our field. We know our recovery efforts will continue in the coming years. We believe we will need a concerted effort from many partners and stakeholders to continue to build a health system where health is truly experienced as a human right. With your help, we know we can get there.

Catalina Sol
Executive Director

Erin M. Scheick
Board President


We began 2021 with hope as COVID vaccines became available. We knew there were many fears and questions in our community and set about working through these with our most powerful advocates: our staff. We held a COVID-19 Vaccine staff workshop in January which covered vaccine science, acknowledged the roots of mistrust from communities of color, and addressed issues and concerns. With time, motivation, and persistence, we achieved staff vaccination rates of 98.3%.

La Clínica participated in the DC Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccination roll out in January. The initial online registration portal presented many barriers for our patients. In collaboration with our health center partners, La Clínica advocated our staff to directly schedule our patients 65+ and/or with underlying conditions. This ensured patients did not lose the opportunity to be vaccinated due to language, internet access, or technology barriers. A survey related to our vaccine administration resulted in a 99% satisfaction rating.

During the spring/summer, La Clínica's Community Health Action Department promoted vaccines and supported vaccine registration in the Latinx community. Many low-income community members do not have email addresses, internet access, smartphone technology, or speak English, making it much more difficult to register on their own. We registered 738 community members for their COVID-19 vaccine and provided information, kits, and resources to thousands more. By ensuring vaccine equity, we promote healthy communities.

As part of our Unidos US Esperanza Hope for All grant, we surveyed 673 vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals to ensure equitable perspectives in COVID-19 education and distribution efforts. Responses from unvaccinated participants included lack of confidence, lack of information in Spanish, and conflicting work schedules. Among vaccinated participant responses, motivation came from family members, a trusted and convenient site, and Spanish language services. Read the full results and benefits for FQHCs to conduct community assessments here.

Delta and then Omicron COVID-19 surges hit our region with force in 2021 and placed heavy demands on our staff as our patients and clients needed us more than ever. As members of our community, our staff were also affected by the impact of the ongoing pandemic on their families and lives. While frequently short-staffed, we continued to vaccinate our community for COVID as well as the flu, holding 3 influenza vaccine events where we administered 150 flu shots between September and October.


  • The enhancement of our digital platform and technology allowed expansion of our service offerings like HIV home-testing, on-demand education videos, and self-scheduled appointments. In 2021, 800 condoms and 276 home-based HIV kits were requested vs. 40 and 29 respectively in 2020. Our digital platforms have helped reach individuals who had been out of care.

  • Our Remote Blood Pressure monitoring program was piloted in 2021, growing from 4 patients to 171 currently enrolled. In partnership with Sorogi, patients receive equipment, technical support, and continuous monitoring to manage hypertension from their homes. By monitoring trends, providers can support better care plans and see improved health outcomes. Chronically ill patients with heart disease and diabetes were among those most adversely affected by COVID-19.

  • Our Language Access program continued improving health outcomes by addressing language as a barrier to care, providing more than 6,000 wrap-around medical interpretation and coordination services to local limited English proficient individuals. The impact of our unique language access model was recognized by the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation with its Project Innovation Award, Direct Relief’s Fund for Health Equity Award, and the Hispanic Federation’s Nonprofit Emergency Assistance Fund.

  • The Prevention Program installed condom dispensers at 23 local businesses where the Latinx community gather, increasing access to essential prevention methods such as condoms. This strategy has been highly accepted by the community and local businesses. In 2021, we distributed 83,492 condoms, a substantial increase compared to 37,691 distributed in 2020.

  • From the beginning of the pandemic, staff from Mi Refugio -our school-based mental health program at Northwestern High School - communicated daily with students via text, phone, and zoom to ensure their continued schooling and well-being. In September 2021, students and staff joyously reunited in-person after a year+ of not seeing one another. Within months, student participation in Mi Refugio’s activities ramped up to pre-pandemic levels.

  • La Clínica released Mi Familia 20th Anniversary , to recognize the impact our Mi Familia program has made in our community. Mi Familia was launched as multi-generational mental health group to respond to the traumas triggered for many of our patients following the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Today, Mi Familia helps Latino families navigate and manage the emotional challenges they encounter daily as part of the immigrant experience.

  • Our Salud Integral de Las Mujeres (Comprehensive Women’s Health) campaign was launched to promote women’s health through annual checkups, conversations with her health team, and developing a health plan. Our messages emphasized that when we regularly attend our medical appointments, we promote healthy communities.

  • Our Substance Use program Volviendo a Vivir (VAV) provided services to 82 new individuals, a 35% increase from 2020. The VAV team has successfully connected individuals in need of substance use treatment through virtual group and one-on-one counseling. 85% of VAV clients graduated in 2021 after successfully completing the multi-week outpatient treatment program.

  • Our Executive Director, Catalina Sol, joined longtime partners, allies, and friends at the White House for the unveiling of President Biden’s new national AIDS strategy on World AIDS Day. In 2021, we provided team-based care to 330 individuals living with HIV, and over 2500 HIV counseling sessions.

  • In 2020, La Clínica launched a three-floor renovation project at our 15th Street facility to modernize its ventilation system and to improve functionality and safety for patients and staff. Renovations were completed in 2021 allowing for all our patient facing services and mental health staff to return to beautiful spaces.

  • We adopted a new phone system through Ring Central allowing for an enhanced directory tree, communication across multiple sites, and cloud-based for telework. This system allows us to gather data that helps us improve our communication with patients and improve access. On average 500 calls are received per day.


“La Clínica has played one of the most important roles in my life,” shared Brizeida, a Mi Refugio alum and new board member in 2021. La Clínica has continued to help thousands of individuals reach their best health through primary care, behavioral health, and wrap-around services. Additionally, 2021 marked greater community reach through our extensive programs and vaccination efforts and gains through our advocacy to address policy and structures that impede health access for Latino immigrants.


  • Department Structure

    The pandemic exposed health is more than access to care. This perspective sharpened our focus as we launched La Clínica’s Health Equity Department. It is organized around four core elements: Language Access, Impacting Public policy/Advocacy, Intersectional Partnerships, and Mapping Community Barriers to Health. We believe the work ahead will help inform a broader vision for a culture of health by enhancing our understanding of how social factors and non- services affect health from the standpoint of Latinx immigrants and their families.

  • Salud Sin Barreras

    Salud Sin Barreras (SSB) is one of our health equity campaigns launched to raise awareness around the barriers that impede health access. One main goal has been to reduce the barriers to enrollment and renewal in the DC Alliance, DC’s local health insurance program. In concert with partners within the broader Alliance coalition, La Clínica has spoken out about the hardships of the 6-month renewal requirements and promoted an annual recertification process. We also worked in coalition with health centers and community organizations to promote local health insurance options for immigrants in Prince George’s County. Learn more about SSB goals, shareable content, and news on our SSB page. Link here

  • La Clínica Talks

    When “Ted Talks” and La Clínica meet you get: La Clínica Talks! An initiative that invites policymakers and subject-matter experts to discuss health access topics. These free live events are streamed across La Clínica’s social media platforms (FB, LinkedIn, YouTube). In 2021, we hosted three Talks including guests: Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne Nadeau, Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George, and Dr. Monica Peek at The University of Chicago. All three events had over 1200 views across social media and a whole lot of unforgettable discussions.



Our Walk-A-Thon for Health took shape as a hybrid event, where registrants enjoyed a month of participating through an app in health challenges, wherever they were, cumulating with an in-person walk. May 1st, a contingent of staff, program participants, and supporters walked together through Mount Pleasant, something we had not done together for more than one year! It was emotional and joyful to hear the cheers of neighbors and honks of passing cars as our blue shirts demonstrated our action toward building a healthier community for all. Together, our community raised $35,000 towards our path to recovery.


Community Health Action Summit – Reclaiming Technology to Address Social Determinants of Health
Our Community Health Action Department hosted a 2-day virtual summit where more than 180 participants from 54 agencies and organizations from the nation engaged in capacity building workshops, virtual booths, and networking opportunities. This summit focused on the utilization of technology as a tool in providing essential health services such as HIV testing and navigation, extracting from learned knowledge and data from the past year as La Clínica adopted new ways of reaching its clients. Kaiser Permanente and Gilead Sciences sponsored this successful educational event.


In its sixth year, La Clínica’s Casino event in partnership with Flock DC, more than 25 sponsors, local businesses, and hundreds of individuals who love a win, raised more than $60,000 to provide essential services to our uninsured and underinsured Latinx community members. Hear from La Clínica patient and board member Ana Rodriguez, La Clínica’s Executive Director Catalina Sol, and Flock DC CEO Lisa Wise, on the vital role our local businesses and organizations play in providing health services for all and ensuring we are building a community where all people can thrive.


La Posada is traditionally celebrated by many Latinx cultures and for La Clínica it has a special meaning of belonging and place in the community. Last year, many of our families faced dire situations and the holidays only presented a greater sense of isolation and sadness. La Clínica collected more than 400 toys, gift cards, and food bags that were distributed to families directly through our programs and services We hope to join our patients and families in-person in 2022 – stay tuned on how you can help!


Based on surveys La Clínica conducted through our Unidos US Esperanza Hope for All grant in partnership with UnidosUS and the CDC, La Clínica made a series of videos to address the different barriers that patients and Latino community members shared were factors in their ability to get vaccinated. La Clínica’s health education communications strategy includes culturally appropriate positive messaging that provides clear information in which to apply knowledge and practice healthy skills.



HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Reducing HIV Disparities to End the HIV Epidemic CAREAction Newsletter.
Stories from the Field La Clínica del Pueblo’s role and impact using the Collaborative Care Model to reduce inequalities in HIV care.

La Clínica participated with University of Chicago in the publication Integrating Technology and Human Capital to Address Social Needs: Lessons to Promote Health Equity in Diabetes Care; which highlights the use of technology to identify high-risk patients and engage them with services that address medical and social complexity.


Together, we partner on critical research and data, and demonstration projects that allow us to build upon the works of knowledge around health care access that can shape our model of care and drive our work in public health with Latinx immigrants.


In 2021, La Clínica achieved excellent clinical outcomes and was recognized through a great span of esteemed awards for its leadership, provision of services, and work towards building a healthier community for all.




Government Grants and Contracts





Earned Income




Foundations and Local Grants




Other Income




Individual Contributions




In-Kind Income




Investment Income








Direct Services and Programs




Management, Facilities, and General




Development, Fundraising and Communications










La Clínica relies heavily on philanthropy to fuel its mission. We are grateful for the diverse group of supporters who continue to support our work, and for those who joined us in 2021, with commitments towards building healthier and more inclusive communities. We would like to recognize the following individuals, funding partners, foundations, associations, and businesses. Gracias!


  • Save Date for 2022 Casino: Together with Flock DC we are gearing up for our 7th annual Casino Fundraiser. Look forward to a week of wins through raffles and delights AND the long awaited in-person pop-up casino night that truly is like no other. Stay tuned for details to join us in the happiest of events that raises funds for our essential health services.

  • The Impact of Giving: Support from our donors allows La Clínica to keep providing essential services to the Latino community in Washington, DC and Prince George’s County, MD despite economic and insurance status. Interested in supporting a particular area or learning more about how your giving can address healthcare gaps in our communities? Please email Rachel Ugarte at:

  • Stay in the Know – Keep in touch by following our social media! Stay in the know regarding our latest news, updates, events, and ways to get involved! Our monthly newsletter is a wonderful way to stay informed, subscribe and receive the latest in your inbox.

  • Amig@s del Pueblo: Bring a friend (or two!) to join this group of compassionate supporters and to widen the circle of care for Latinx immigrants in DC and MD. As an Amig@, you are putting your values into action by making a sustainable commitment to providing high quality health care for those needing it most and helping to build more equitable and inclusive communities for all.